Monchhichi Wiki

The Shock Trio is accompanied throughout their adventures by other Monchhichi ! Each has their own role within the Dream Tree, and all contribute to the Monchhichi's main objective: bring dreams to the children.


Sylvus is the Old Sage of the Dream Tree, the one all the Monchhichi come to when they have a problem. Sylvus gives advice without ever actually coercing his “apprentices” into taking action. After all, making mistakes and goofing up are part of the learning process; the most important thing is for disciples to be aware of such mistakes and to want to improve themselves and fix the blunders they’ve made. Given his very old age, Sylvus has a lot of experience, which he gladly shares with the Monchhichi in the form of anecdotes or parables. It’s then up to the Monchhichi to learn from this and to realize how they can use it in their daily lives. Sylvus is also a confidant for the Monchhichi, whenever any of them need to get something off their chest: because he’s always kind and attentive, he listens, consoles and reassures. He is the “parent” of the show


He is Sylvus' young assistant. Always attentive to do well, he is always there for his master. He is very respectful towards Sylvus, calling him "Master Sylvus".


She's the gardener. She is responsible for harvesting the glowing fruits. She’s a great musician because, in order to pick the best fruits, one has to tap them then listen to the song they emit.


Very good with his hands, he's the artist in the community. He love to create and decorate! Making origami (used to make Tsurus), decorating Bess' storefront, and other artistic activities are all in his range of expertise. All the Monchhichi admire his artistic talent.


She's the postwoman of the Dream Tree. Her obsession with organisation makes it so that every one of her actions is meticulously calculated. She knows by heart the addresses of all the Monchhichi as well as those of all the children.


The community policeman, he represents law and order in the Monchhichi community. He's very attentive to the law in order in the Monchhichi community.


Fieldo is the only Monchhichi not living in the Dream Tree. Instead, he lives in the Grasslands, where he takes care of his herd of Monchhibug.


Generous, always there to help, Bess loves feeding the Monchhichi juices, cakes, all sorts of fruity snacks. She is unique in her capacity to invent new recipes, each one no less original. She especially loves to make chinnana based recipes.


Immensely curious, Twig knows everything on everyone. She is always the first one informed of anything going on in the Dream Tree, information which she rarely keeps for herself. She loves to talk and loves gossip. Needless to say, the Monchhichi are fond of knowing secrets... as long as theirs are not exposed.